Friday, October 4, 2013

Updates, Homecomings, and Stuff

So while I'm barely containing myself from farting up a storm at the airport, I've decided that I have enough time and opportunity to catch folks up on some of the goings on in this long since updated journalistic experience.  Despite busted shift and alt keys on my computer, I'll put forth my best effort to make this seem like an adult (albeit an immature one) wrote it.

First things first, I feel as though an explanation should be made as to why there are so few musings posted over the past year and change.  As some of you may know, I'm working for the gub'ment.  And while trying to limit the spread of information (not that I have much to offer) that may or may not be sensitive, I will say that I currently reside in the great state of Washington, just 50 miles south of Seattle and my hair cut is shorter than I normally like.  No, that doesn't entirely explain why I haven't kept you all up to date, but slow your roll, I'm getting there.  So in this government establishment that I work for there, at some points, were/are training events that require us to have no electronics or means of communication with the outside world, so that explains some things.

Another reason is despite having my computer with me, I've had a lack of an internet connection and still have none in sight for the near future.  While it's true that I finally joined the modern age with a (so-called) smart-phone, typing out things that are longer than a few sentences can be taxing to its battery and frustrating to myself due to my stubby thumbs that never seem to hit the write keys and a need to spell things correctly.  Tethering it to my computer just eats up the data limit, and let's face it, the government doesn't exactly pay much these days.

Along with the fact that I am often too tired to update things, sometimes I just don't care.  Lately I've had a desire to write something.  And when your computer doesn't hook up to the internet some things go by the wayside.  So here I am trying to make up for lost time.

Without going into specifics, I can really only expand so much on the job part.  While I'd be happy to tell anyone in person what it is I do, posting it on the internets, no matter how unread my page may be, is a big no-no.  What I can say is that I'm starting my vacation today.  I've got two weeks to unwind and not think about my job or the people who make that job somewhat irritating.  It's already gotten off to a good start seeing two of my favorite people in the world, Mikey and Dee Vali.  I got to spend the day with them before getting dropped off at the airport.  While not much has been solidified in the way of plans while I am home, I do hope to see all the folks that have been good to me through the years and make due with my seeming inability to say hello more than once every couple months.

In semi-related news, though my proximity to one of the central music hubs in the U.S. of A., I have not kept up on my music game as well as I should have.  I'm getting slivers of information of good music here and there, but my game has certainly deteriorated in the search for quality tunes.  I have yet to go to a non-festival show in the area (partly because of the absence of a vehicle and no one willing to listen to what I like), and my ears are sadly accosted by the sounds of metal, country (the not good kind of know what kind I'm talking about), and gangsta rap.  It's terrible.

Well, my flight is boarding pretty soon here.  If you happen to be one of those folks who wants to get in touch while I'm back, send me a message, give me a call, write me a text, use mo-o-o-orse, whatever.  If by some odd circumstance you were left out and have been trying my old phone number for the past year, then get on the trolley and I'll update you.  If you don't fall in to any of these categories that's cool, too.  Maybe more from me when I make my return home.  Until then, enjoy this hilarity: