Friday, December 9, 2011


I just got an email from the superior court of California that ticketmaster is having a class action lawsuit filed against them for essentially raping people on their additional fees to ticket prices. It's about damn time! Those lousy pieces of crap practically ruined concert-going experiences for me due to the exorbitant amount of their processing fees. The inability to always go to the location to pick up the ticket nearly forced everyone and their mother to use ticketmaster for most musical events. Hopefully with the lawsuit there will be a reduction in the cost of ticket prices and I might actually pay to see a show again. The settlement basically says that if you buy from ticketmaster now you'll get credit, but it's costing them $11.25 million. Go team!


  1. Nice! Now we can hopefully go to Reign games and actually feel as if they are cheaper than NHL games!

  2. I hope so! We've gotta get on that soon!
